I arrived back safely from L.A! Landed yesterday morning and went straight to Popworld to pre-record the performance for my new single 'If That's Ok With You'! I had five of the dancers from the videoshoot come over with me aswell. They are great people and amazing dancers! The performance looked great and i also took part in a very fun interview and competition piece with Alex from Blur who was also there at the same time.
All promo dates will be added to the website shortly so you can see what i will be doing!
I've just seen some of the photos from the shoot which look amazing and the videoshoot was an incredible experience! Oliver Stone (legendary movie director) turned up to say hi aswell!...It was a real honour to meet him as im a fan of most of his movies!
Here's something that i wanted you guys to know first....My video will be shown as a 24 hour world exclusive on the homepage of Bebo. We are locking down the date, as the video is being edited at the moment, but as soon as it is confirmed i will let you know!
Hope all's well with you
Shayne x
我昨天早上剛從洛杉機安全回到英國,我到Popworld為新單曲"If That's Ok With You"提前錄影.與我隨同去錄影的還有5名參與音樂錄影帶製作的舞者.節目的採訪部分很有趣,在遊戲的環節還和模糊樂隊的Alex一同參加,總體來講感覺不錯.
對了,音樂錄影帶的預覽版(Promo)即將在近期於官方網站上公開發佈日期。我手上已有部分照片,還有錄影帶的宣傳截圖,真的是一次不同尋常的體驗..Oliver Stone(電影傳奇導演)也有過來拜訪,作為他的一名影迷,能遇到他是我的榮幸.
整理了一些shayne最近的新照以及'If That's OK With You'的剪影點我進入網路上找的照片觀看
Shayne In LA相館
小恩8月12日會在英格蘭首府Bitts公園內與Westlife以及Mutya Buena等演出!
Sneak Peek Of Shayne Making His New Video(來自shayne的myspace)