呼~又有一段時間沒跟大家報告小恩近來的消息了! 順便一提喔~夏恩華德亞洲濃情版CD+BonusAVCD已經在12月22日(星期五)
請來了some amazing guys ,夏恩還說錄音時大家都很興奮呢!
在南非的相片我都有整理在Shayne in South Africa
他要證明他是個既可以抒情也可以搖動感的pop star
Hey guys,
How are you all? Looking forward to the Christmas break I bet. Me too! I’ve been really busy. After visiting Japan I did the Unite of the Stars charity gigs all over South Africa. It was a great experience and I was travelling around with loads of great people like Will Young, Ronan Keating and Bananarama! But best of all we actually got to see where all the money went when we visited a place called Soweto. It was really inspiring and I'm just glad I got to do something to help those children. Every night there was really special for everyone involved.
At the moment I'm back in the UK doing book signings and seeing you lot! It’s been mad and thanks so much for all your support. I'm having a great time seeing you all again and glad you’re all enjoying the book. It was a great to write it and it’s just a nice document of the past year in my life.
Being back in the UK, everyone’s been asking me who I want to win the X-Factor and to be honest I haven’t really had time to see any of it, but I'm behind all of them 100%. I know exactly what they’re going through!
During the next few weeks I’ll be back in Sweden recording my new album, which hopefully you’ll enjoy! It’s been fantastic working with some amazing guys and there’s a lot of up-tempo, funky, sexy numbers on it. Without giving too much away, it fits in perfectly with what the public want to see from me. I'm excited, the record companies excited, the public’s excited, everyone’s excited!
I'm gearing up for the tour and start rehearsals soon. We’re finalising a few ideas and the stuff we’ve confirmed for the show so far is amazing. I am so excited about being back performing in the UK. Although I’ve been away for a long while, I'm going to be back with a bang for the tour!
See you soon,
Shayne x
夏恩專訪Men's Joker也已經在12月1日發行(2007年1月號)
祝大家Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!