Hey guys,
Firstly thanks to everyone who came to the tour. I hope you had as much fun as I did. It was even better than I expected it to be and I really didn't want it to end. It was a great feeling to walk on stage every night and see thousands of people all come to see little old me! It was extra special to have such support here considering I've not been in the UK for a while.
Since the tour ended I've continued recording the album and we're about half way through now. I'm still not sure when we're going to release it, but I know we don't want to rush anything. It's really important to me that everything on this album is perfect.
This week I performed on You're A Star, the Irish equivalent of the X Factor. It was the final night and seeing how nervous the finalists were brought back lots of memories for me! It felt good to wish them luck and they appreciated that I knew exactly what they were going through!
I'm working really hard on everything at the moment but hopefully I'll get a short holiday soon before things gear up for the release later this year. Thanks for all your tour questions by the way - there were some great ones in there. I've been answering those and I know they'll be going up on the main site over the next few weeks.
Catch you soon,