
2005年11月26日第二季X Factor比賽裡,一度罷工評審的Louis Walsh重回評審台,理由只有一個-- Shayne Ward。夏恩這次在Final 6的表演裡大膽挑戰英國搖滾樂團「黑暗炫風合唱團」〈The Darkness〉的亞軍單曲「I Believe In A Thing Called Love」,果然再次技驚全場,這個完美的演出讓重返評審台、也是擔任夏恩指導老師〈mentor〉的Louis超有面子‧因為夏恩是當時六位最後僅存參賽者中,他唯一擁有的指導成員了。以下這段畫面還有夏恩媽媽流淚鏡頭和夏恩的小訪問喔!

趕快來回味夏恩讓人印象深刻的演出!(英文來自 )

Kate Thornton:  Okay Simon, let's start with you, your comments please?

Simon Cowell:  Well, can I... can I first of all congratulate my learned colleague's performance in the VT? (Louis grins and rocks back in his chair)

Sharon Osbourne:  (Claps) Yeah!

Simon Cowell:  Fantastic! Uhm ... I think, you know, on paper, Shayne that should've been a disaster. However, you pulled it off. It was terrific... you've got what ehm...(Cheers) ... you've got I think the capable... the capability of what Robbie's got, which is to take a song outside of your comfort zone, have fun with it, entertain an audience. I thought it was terrific. Well done.

Shayne:  Thanks Simon.

Kate Thornton:  Thanks Simon. Sharon?

Sharon Osbourne:  Yeah. It was really nice ...

Audience Member:  Go, Shayne!

Sharon Osbourne:  Ooh!...

Shayne:  Thank you. I love you Shayne lovers.

Sharon Osbourne:  It was really nice to see you having fun up there... having a good time, and I really felt that you were really having a good time. And at this stage in the contest, that's very rare. It's good to see that. However, that song is awfully annoying but with your voice ... (Laughter) ... that song is, it's gimmicky song but it was fun for you to do. And you know what? You are a star! (Cheers)

Kate Thornton:  Thanks Sharon. Louis, you came back to continue mentoring Shayne. What do you want to say?

Louis Walsh:  Shayne, I mean I actually hated The Darkness version of that song but your version was absolutely fantastic. (Cheers) You know, it proved you're a very versatile singer. You've got the X Factor, the fun factor and the sex factor. You've got everything.

Kate Thornton:  Thanks Louis. (To Shayne) Shayne, great comments! What do you want to say to the judges?

Shayne:  Thank you very much for your comments. Erm... (Points to his smile)'ve just put the biggest smile on my face. (Cheers) So, just honestly, thank you very much. Thank you, that's all I can say.

Kate Thornton:  But do you want to see Shayne back here singing for your votes next Saturday? (Kate gives out the voting numbers etc) ...But for now, ladies and gentlemen, let's hear if for Shayne. (Shayne kisses Kate on the cheek then exits the stage, smiling and waving to the audience.)


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